Aaron Refsnart
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite color: Pink Shock
Main Relationships:
-Ran's Father
Ran's father loves to spend time with his daughter and is very supportive of anything she does, especially her relationship with Axel. He works at a shop of questionable items that people say 'fit his personality.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"What kinda question is that silly? Ooooff course it would be my Ran! I could know better what goes on that head of hers, and maybe give her lovely a gift, uh huh..."

Abby Luten
-Work: Principal
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Green
Main Relationships:
-Vein's Sister
-Kyoko's Mother
Abby, the principal of Tina Koya school, is feared by most students and admired by some. She can be very clever and manipulative in her work and all she does.
When Abby wants something done, the only things that could stop her are her own anger or the constant pain she's endured for years.
Abby hates many aspects of her life, how repetitive it is, and everything she has to deal with.
She wishes somehow to be able to restart her life.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"... There's no better answer than Yui... I would get rid of her and have a new life, that is, almost too perfect."

Adam Roberts
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Widower
-Favorite Color: Orange
Main Relationships:
-Cornelia's Father
Cornelia's father is the owner of a popular shop in town. He tries to juggle between spending time at his shop and with his daughter. He even has her work at the shop, which is something very important to him, not just because she's his daughter, but also because he notices she's very shy.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I'm not sure, I guess anyone at Cornelia's school, so I can help her make more friends."

Aina Inato
-Work: Police Officer
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Grey
Main Relationships:
-Kelly's Mother
-Matt's Wife
Kelly's mom is one of the town's most well-known police officers, but not for good reasons; it's mostly due to how lazy and slow she is. Despite her attitude, she can still get the job done in serious situations.
Many people don't even know that Aina is Kelly's mom, but that's mostly because Kelly hides it from most people.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Err... Do I have to..? Can I just take a nap..?"

Alan Chef
-Hard Working
-Work: Chef
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blue
Main Relationships:
Chef from a café close to town that Rita's family visited. Legend says he fought three whales by himself using only a spear made of the bones of the shark he killed. These legends just might not be true.

Alice Lyuten
-Very Honest
-Work: Student/ Actress in Training
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Purple
Main Relationships:
Alice is considered the closest person to Sayaka by many in the school, though the Popular Girls say she's very different, and just a "Manipulative Bitch."
If she has homework to do, she gets someone to do it; if she needs to skip class, she blackmails a teacher without a thought; if she needs money, a few lies will get her that from anyone.
Alice takes her career as an "Actress in Training" very seriously, speaking as different characters around the school.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Humpf! What a foolish question! There's no better answer than the queen herself! Madam SS. Tell her to step aside and I'll get her success in the acting carier she was born for."

Allison Stein
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: "All the colors! But not the ones I don't like!"
Main Relationships:
Allison is Irene's best friend and the not-so-bright member of Sayaka's popular group.
No one can really decide the reason for Allison's popularity. Some say it's because she's Irene's friend, while others say it's because of certain assets she has.
Allison is always happy to be around her friends and help them when they need it, even though most of the time she has no idea what she's doing.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Me! So I could be double Allie!! That would be so cool! Right Ire?"

Amelia Onan
-Work: Shrine maiden/ Principal
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Cyan
Main Relationships:
An old teacher of Tina Koya school who was fired by Abby in the past. But she didn't let that get her down; she became the principal of a smaller school where she's known to be very kind and fun, and the success of the school is often associated with her.
Even then, according to a pink-haired source, she's still angry with Abby about firing her.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I would like to become a student at my school, so I could get closer to this lonely girl called Izuna, I just can't get through to her with normal means, so maybe this would help."

Andrew Regna
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
One of the servants of the Diolacov manor. He is known in the mansion to not really like his position, and he likes Cassie even less. Even so, he is a big help to the other servants when they need it.

Anima Liph Hubbard
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Red and Green
Main Relationships:
-Phila's Mother
-Mina's Mother
Anima is the owner of a popular clothes store in town, visited by many celebrities.
She always keeps a close eye on her two daughters, especially Phila, whom she says is the biggest troublemaker.
Even then, Anima doesn't spend much time at home or at her shop. She prefers to go out with friends, which is something Phila doesn't seem to like because of the age difference between her mother and them.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"My little girl Mina! She could use the help with her swimming, and let's be honest I need a teenager break, especially after all Phila makes me deal with- Oh my girl friends are here, gotta go!"

Anuja Killada
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Pansy
Main Relationships:
-Riley's Girlfriend
She is mostly known as a nice and sweet student. Besides that, not much is known about Anuja; she's mostly seen reading books in the library or helping the teachers when classes are over.
Most teachers really enjoy her help, especially Sandra and Jasmine, who Anuja seems to assist the most.
Anuja first lived together with the council member Michelle, but for unknown reasons, she was told to move out.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Doesn't that sound a little intrusive? I would be a little scared to do something like it... But if I must pick, then... Yui."

Armando Junior
-Work: Actor
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Main Relationships:
One of the richest people in town, and perhaps its most famous actor, Armando is primarily known for his acting skills.
However, in the Diolacov mansion, he's known to be madly in love with one of the members of the manor, Elizabeth Sebas, a fact that the Lady of the manor, Cassie, doesn't like very much.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Incredible! Exceptional! Stupenduos! That is quite the question! And Armando's answer is! Whoever my dear Elizabeth picks for me!"

Atticus Luten
-Work: Company Boss
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: The Darkest Red
Main Relationships:
-Kyoko's Father
He was once Abby's loving and caring husband, but now he's a cold man who mostly cares about business.
The divorce seems to have left an impact only on Abby and her daughter, but when he's asked about it, Atticus only says he should've done that a long time ago.
Right now, he's the boss of a successful company in a town far away from Lauqe.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"No one, get out of my office."

Audrey Lovely
-Work: Student/ Council Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
-Aya's Girlfriend
Audrey is one of Mina's closest friends. She is known for being even more of a coward than Mina; she can't handle anything slightly scary or dangerous. Even so, her friends say she's cool once you get to know her.
Currently, she's working hard to become the president of the council. However, her progress doesn't really show that, as she got last place in the last voting for the council president.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I've seen this girl before, I think her name is Rita, she seems pretty brave and cool! I would like to be like her."

Axel Evod
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Dark Green
Main Relationships:
-Ran's Boyfriend
Axel is known to be a very reliable guy. He's one of the few students who don't limit themselves to just one group; Axel has many friends all around school.
Every day, he goes to Ran's house early in the morning so they can go to school together. That would make you think their relationship is going great, but it seems Axel has been thinking the opposite lately.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Okay- Okay! Hear me out, it's gonna sound a little weird but, Ran's dad, because maybe then I'd know stuff about Ran... Because we don't talk much- I didn't say that! My bad."

Aya Uo Huot
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite color: White
Main Relationships:
-Audrey's Girlfriend
To achieve what she calls a high spiritual level, Aya will challenge herself in many ways. Her goals are to put her body to the test, so she can ascend, and become a mejestic being. She believes her heart fits togther with her girlfriend Audrey's perfectly because of the diffence in their personalities. A pink haired souce says Aya is just insane.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Ommmmm, Yes, an experience I would love to have is to become, Victoria Vega... Ommmmm, it would help gain experience in a more, vilanous side of life... Ommm, I must have all experiences."

Beatrice Robinett
-Work: Lawyer
-Age Range: Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Dark Purple
Main Relationships:
One of the wealthiest individuals in town, Beatrice has made a name for herself as one of the most cunning lawyers in Lauqe.
She has represented various affluent and dubious clients, all of whom she has managed to acquit using underhanded tactics and tricks.
Her current ambition is to become the wealthiest person in town, a title currently held by Cassie. In pursuit of this goal, she collaborates with her friend and rival, Nora, in an attempt to uncover any dirty secrets about Cassie that could tarnish her reputation.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I'm sure you would expect me to say Cassie huh? You must be thinking that too, Nora! But that is not my answer! ... Though I suppose, if that happened, it wouldn't- ahem, be the end of the world."

Blake Piper
-Work: Medical Doctor
-Age Range: Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Orange
Main Relationships:
-Misao's Husband
-Rita's Father
"Rita's father is one of the best doctors in town, he's the name of choice for various celebrities.
Blake had to go through a lot in his life; his past wife left him as soon as their daughter was born. However, that didn't keep him down for long. He did what he could to be the best father for Rita, worked his way up a few positions in his job, and eventually married someone Misao, his high school love.
He bought a good place for all of them to live together. Now, he's a happy father with a family he loves dearly.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"As a doctor, I already know so much about different bodies and people, but I guess if Misao and I swapped, that could be a fun experience."

Brad Chambers
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s boyfriend
-Rebecca's Son
-Carlos' Son
-Zoey's Brother
Zoey's brother is a member of the very scary gang lead by Tori.
Brad's day consists of annoying his little sister, hanging out with the delinquents, and later with his girlfriend, whom no one seems to know.
Brad is one of the best members of Tina Koya's soccer and volleyball team, but he doesn't usually participate in any big games. According to him, it's because he's busy with the town's fighting event, Junkyard Rumble.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Who the hell is going to be better than me? Maybe Jack, so I could get him fired real quick."

Bread Closure
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Beige
Main Relationships:
A student from Tina Koya who keeps getting confused with a certain delinquent.
She wants to become a chef in the future and master the art of making all sorts of pastries.

Caleb Shiryu
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Powerful Yellow
Main Relationships:
-Paul's Boyfriend
A student from Tina Koya who watches too much anime and likes to pretend he's a character from them. He trains his body to look like them as well.

Candela Puka
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Pink
Main Relationships:
Candela is Sayaka's number one fan; she adores her and everything she does.
Candela is considered to be a very annoying student by most students, though not for being mean or something like it; it's mostly for her constant talk about Sayaka.
She was convinced by Sapphire to join her group of two people, mostly because of the interactions with Sayaka she was promised.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:

Carlos Chambers
-Work: Car Salesman
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Brown
Main Relationships:
-Zoey's Father
-Brad's Father
-Rebecca's Husband?
Zoey's and Brad's father, Carlos, is a very popular car salesman.
Even though he's their father, Carlos is barely home with his son and daughter. He and his wife often travel together on very long trips, leaving both Zoey and Brad to take care of the place.
Despite their frequent travels together, the relationship between Carlos and his wife, Rebecca, isn't good at all; they fight frequently and have recently divorced, something they haven't told their kids yet.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Rebecca. She said I couldn't run as fast as her if we swapped, and I gotta win that bet!"

Carrie Parker
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
She's a shy girl who lives close to Sandra's house.
Although she doesn't study at Tina Koya, she can often be seen walking towards the school on her way to her own.
According to certain sources with pink hair, she's always staring at Sandra's son when she does that.

Cassandra Wright
-Work: Lady of the Diolacov Manor
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Green
Main Relationships:
Cassandra Wright (Cassie) is the most powerful figure in Lauqe town, and also the richest.
Ruling the mansion with an iron fist, Cassie elevates the Diolacov manor to one of the highest statuses in its history.
But while she is adored outside the mansion, it's a different story inside, as most of the servants seem to have a low opinion of her.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"There isn't anyone I would rather be than myself. Being me is also something most want."

Catherine Laid
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Bright Blue
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s girlfriend
The recent addition to the teacher roster, Catherine, took over after the dismissal of the previous gym teacher, Alex, by Abby.
Catherine instantly became a favorite among the students when she first showed up, particularly with the boys, it seems.
She has a boyfriend, but she doesn't talk much about him.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"There's this little girl, Zoey? I would die to be her... But wait, that would be a little weird- I mean- Sure, Zoey."

Christine Naivilo
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Red
Main Relationships:
This teacher often has trouble being taken seriously by some students, mostly for her size, but she still tries her best to teach with a smile on her face.
Christine believes communication between all teachers is good for their jobs, so she tries her best to get the teachers she works with closer; creating activities they can all do together and encouraging conversation.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I've seen this teacher from the morning, she sure looks- powerful! Rachel Clark, it would be an incredible experience to be her!"

Clara Lucca
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Main Relationships:
-Flavia's Mother
Swimming instructor/trainer of Tina Koya's swim team.
This hard-working mother has a lot to deal with every day, but she does it with a smile. Thankfully for her, she has a lot of help from her daughter with managing the swim team. Even though sometimes she just wishes she had a nice break to relax.
Clara is the biggest reason the swim team got so many members, as she convinces them to join with her cheerful attitude.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Ha! Ha! That's a weird question! But hey, I'll bite, Flavia! She's like me, but younger! But also hotter and better than I was! Why wouldn't I wanna be her?"

Claus Hawkins
-Work: Student/ Council Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Brown
Main Relationships:
Member of the student council.
Claus is an intelligent student who's always trying to find a way to better himself. Right now, he tries to help some teachers with their classes; the one he helps the most is Connie.
Many would think Claus should be trying to become the council's president, but he doesn't seem to want to take the title from Yui. He says he couldn't compare with Yui's marvelous skills to solve any problem.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I'm not sure; let's see... How about a hard-working teacher? I feel like I could learn a lot that way."

Connie Williams
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Indigo
Main Relationships:
Every student's favorite math teacher from Tina Koya, Connie, seems to make any boring class day into something entertaining.
Even if the students like her, it's not unusual to see Abby angry at her for something she's done, like drinking in class.
The amount of trouble she gets into is very unusual for a teacher, and many wonder why she still hasn't been fired.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Maria, straight up, get me in that girl and let me have fun with her boys; I would be in paradise."

Cornelia Roberts
-Work: Student/ Store Clerk
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
-Adam's Daughter
The quiet "member" of the popular crew.
While Cornelia always walks around with the popular girls, no one really considers her one of them; she barely talks with anyone, and most people barely notice she's there.
Cornelia spends almost all of her time following Sayaka around and listening to what she has to say. When she isn't doing that, she's either alone at home or helping her father in his shop.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Po- Po- Possess..? ...You mean, become... them..? Well... I... I... Sa... Sayaka."

Daer Tfos
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Wizard Age
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: White
Main Relationships:
Daer, the lone owner of a suspicious shop in a forest, was once a very active member of the Cipe Academy of Magic and Alchemy. However, the memories of a tragic event where she was torn between staying or leaving made her turn down her position.
Currently, she lives by herself, waiting for new travelers to pass by the road next to her place so she can sell them strange things and offer even stranger services.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"Oh honey, it'll be hard to find someone I wouldn't want to be! But my favorite pick would be... Maria."

David Mortis
-Hard Working
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Dark Red
Main Relationships:
David, a servant in the Diolacov manor, is in charge of the "minor security" of the mansion.
Only 10 selected families can work at the mansion, so he doesn't have any help checking everything. However, he doesn't have to do much, since the mansion is so far away from most of the city. He usually just looks for any people trying to take a picture in places they shouldn't or if someone in the open library is causing trouble.
This character was asked: "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"I don't believe I have an answer to that... Perhaps someone with a completely different job from mine, so I can have a welcome change for a day or two."

Donatello Eganeet
-Hard Working
-Work: Student/ Volunteer/ Finance Entrepreneur
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Purple
Main Relationships:
Donatello is quite a genius. He has found great success in the world of business while still very young, and many say he'll be the next Steve Fired.

Donna Barnes
-Hard Working
-Work: Secretary/Janitor/Whatever else Abby asks her to do
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Teal
Main Relationships:
Donna is the principal's secretary, but she's more commonly known as "Abby's do-it-all.
It is very rare to find a moment when Donna isn't busy at the school. She's either moving files, cleaning places, checking if any students are out of class, or handling many other tasks. Her day can get even busier when Donna messes up a task, and Abby forces her to start over.
Rumor has it that Donna knows Abby from before she worked as a principal. According to a pink-haired source, they studied together.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Possess someone? Oh... Could that work as a way to give someone a break? If so, I would pick Abby."

Doris Ega
-Neat Freak
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Doesn't have a favorite
Main Relationships:
Doris is a servant at the Diolacov manor, known for two things. One is her fervor for cleaning, which surpasses that of any other maid in the manor. The other is her artistic talent for painting and playing various instruments—a trait that often elicits jealousy from Cassie.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Oh, no thank you! If I were someone else, the cleaning around the mansion wouldn't be done as efficiently!"

Drow Ycnaf
-Work: Dean Of Medicine/ Hospital Administrator
-Age Range: Wizard Age
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Red
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Wife
-Izuna's Mother
Drow is a highly valuable member of CIPE's secret magic research team. Her research has been instrumental in combating evil spirits for years.
Although primarily a researcher, many are aware of Drow's hidden potential, as she is far more powerful than she appears. However, she seldom utilizes these powers, as they do not significantly aid her work.
In recent years, Drow has left the research team and is now one of the four major wizards of the Cipe Academy of Magic and Alchemy.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I wouldn't pass up the chance to live in my mother's shoes for a day or two. Maybe I'll learn how to bake the cookies she made today."

Elizabeth Sebas
-Hard Working
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Cerulean
Main Relationships:
Elizabeth is a servant at the Diolacov manor and the lead maid.
She works hard to maintain order in the manor and ensures that everyone diligently fulfills their duties.
Due to her role, Elizabeth spends most of her time by Cassie's side, which Cassie sometimes finds irritating.
Elizabeth takes her position very seriously, even watching over Cassie in the years before she became Lady of the manor.
Despite her serious demeanor, Elizabeth doesn't hide her hobby of collecting cute stuffed animals, even giving them names.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Non, now if you could please go to the other room, we'll be cleaning here in 5 minutes."

Eman Looc
-Age Range: WIzard Age
-Status: Widower
-Favorite Color:
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Grandfather
-(Someone)'s Father
Character could not be located so questions weren't possible

Emily Lydia
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: "Emily!"
Main Relationships:
-Hellen Haruka's Daughter
Emily is the perpetually cheerful member of Zoey's crew.
During her early days at school, Emily was frequently bullied due to her unusual behavior, with many people calling her weird, freak, and other derogatory names. It was only when Zoey's friends invited her to join their group that the bullying subsided.
Emily can often be seen carrying a camera that she likes to bring everywhere. With it, she occasionally films her own "show," though there are no recordings of it online, as she seems to record them solely for her personal enjoyment.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?"

Eric Tyner
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Gray
Main Relationships:
Eric is a member of the school's soccer team and Maria's ex-boyfriend. He is generally laid-back and enjoys smoking by himself in various secluded spots around the school. Secretly, he misses Maria a great deal.

Erika Gniob
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Didn't answer
Main Relationships:
There isn't much to write about Erika, as she rarely speaks. Although she isn't mute, it's a rare occasion to hear her talk.
Despite being a girl of few words, she has many friends and frequently participates in their fun activities.
According to a pink-haired source, she has taken numerous pictures of Erika to try and identify different emotions. It appears that Erika becomes flustered around the more assertive school teachers and the principal, Abby.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?"

Evie Lyrical
-Work: Student/ Swim Team Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blue
Main Relationships:
Evie is a member of the swim team who ended up becoming more well-known for a specific event, rather than her skills.
During a crucial swimming competition hosted at the school, Evie was on the verge of winning, only to be surpassed by Flavia, who ultimately clinched the victory.
Due to the dramatic nature of the last-second win and someone's relentless reminders, Evie is primarily recognized for that event.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"The principal, so I could get her to stop people from reminding me of that day... She really doesn't care when I ask her normally."

Fabia Hopkins
-Work: Lawyer/ Waitress
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Green and Gold
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Wife
-Jayden's Mother
Fabia is Jayden's mother and a highly popular waitress at a particular maid café.
Many people poke fun at Fabia for working there at her age, but she doesn't seem to care. The pay appears to be excellent, which is all she cares about, prompting her to work two jobs.
Fabia spends most of her time seeking new ways to earn money, but that doesn't deter her from being strict with her son, who frequently gets into trouble.

Flair Rig
-Work: Student/ Cheerleader
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Obsidian
Main Relationships:
Flair is the most forgettable member of Tina Koya's cheerleading squad. She doesn't seem to mind, though, as she views cheerleading as simply "the most enjoyable form of daily exercise." However, she wishes she didn't have to deal with Sayaka's strict enforcement of their moves and her habit of yelling at any mistakes.

Flavia Lucca (N)
-Work: Student/ Swim Team Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Main Relationships:
-Clara's Daughter
Flavia is widely recognized as the top member of Tina Koya's swim team.
She dedicates her time not only to practice but also to assisting other team members. Flavia generously provides free private lessons to new or struggling members.
She is known for her consistently cheerful demeanor, which, according to a pink-haired source, emerged suddenly during her first year of school.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?:
"You're going to be surprised because I'm going to say no one! I'm already who I want to be! Haha! Myself!"

Gabriel Goodman
-Work: Student/ Council Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Silver
Main Relationships:
Gabriel is regarded as the friendliest member of the council. Unlike other members, most people aren't bothered when he's around.
Additionally, Gabriel doesn't study as intensively as the other members; instead, he prefers to set aside time to enjoy music by himself, particularly songs from a local band.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Well, you know, perhaps a body swap between everyone on the council would be fun. I believe it would challenge us in many ways."

Giggs Sung
-Work: Servant/S.F Leader
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Gunmetal
Main Relationships:
Giggs is a servant at the Diolacov manor and the commander of a secret group tasked with assisting Lady Cassie.
Despite her role as a servant, Giggs has become increasingly distant from the manor due to Cassie's behavior, which she finds intolerable.
Giggs thrives on high-stakes situations and constant danger; she cannot stay in one place for too long without seeking adventure.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"You've got about five seconds to get out of my face before I turn you into something that can possess other people."

Guy Guy
-Hard Working
-Work: Many Things
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: White
Main Relationships:
-Gal Gal's Husband
They say you can find this hard working man everywhere! But that can't be true, right?

Haley Eno
-Work: Fire Dancer
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Fire Red
Main Relationships:
This is Haley.

Haley Owt
-Work: Fire Dancer
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Leaf Green
Main Relationships:
This is also Haley.

Hansel Grande
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher?
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
-Maria's Husband
-Mariana's Father
Hansel works in the second most popular school in Lauqe.
While starting a family may have happened a bit early for him, Hansel embraced his responsibilities and works diligently to support his daughter and wife.
He often appears to be quite busy, perhaps more so than a typical teacher, but this doesn't prevent him from dedicating quality time to his family.

Hellen Haruka Lydia
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Husband
-Emily's Mother
Hellen works diligently to care for her unique daughter, whom she loves deeply.
Despite having to deal with a frequently drunk husband who views their daughter as a freak and a low-paying job at one of the less popular schools in town, Hellen manages to face each day with a smile.

Holly Davis
-Work: Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Sage Green
Main Relationships:
-Sandra's Daughter
-John's Sister
Holly is Sandra's daughter and a shrine maiden in the town.
Despite being significantly older than the other members, she can often be found spending time with Maria's group. Despite the age difference, Maria and the others regard Holly as a close friend.
It appears that things haven't quite worked out for Holly after university, as she's currently unemployed and has broken up with her girlfriend in the recent years.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I dunno, Phila? She's cool."

Irene Valor
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Pale Blue
Main Relationships:
-Pretty's Daughter
Irene is Allison's best friend and is considered to be the kindest among the popular girls. She is just considered a chill girl overall.
Due to her friendly nature, she is the only popular girl that others aren't intimidated to talk to when they first meet.
Irene actually won the election for council president a while back, but she didn't even apply—someone had put her name in as a joke. As a result, she declined the position, and Yui became the council president.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Um, I don't know... Just a sec, I'll ask Allison; she'll come up with something funny."

Iris Sparks
-Work: Student/ Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Pink
Main Relationships:
-Sadie's Girlfriend
Iris is a highly popular cheerleader whose impressive moves make it seem as though she possesses superpowers. Despite her responsibilities as a shrine maiden, Iris still manages to visit her girlfriend's house almost every day after her training. Once there, they enjoy each other's company in a variety of ways.

Isabella Sboob
-Work: Waitress
-Age Range: Young Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Silver
Main Relationships:
Isabella is a waitress at a particular maid café.
After dropping out of school, she experienced a challenging period when her family told her she had to find a job or risk being kicked out of their house. Over time, Isabella has become one of the most popular maids at the café.

Izuna Ycnaf
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blood Red
Main Relationships:
-Drow's Daughter
Izuna is a former student council member and shrine maiden. She was expelled from both positions due to her temper and reckless behavior.
Following a scene she caused at Tina Koya, Izuna was transferred to a more stringent school in town. While the teachers report that her behavior has improved, she still doesn't interact much with her classmates. According to a pink haired source, one thing is certain: Izuna still harbors resentment towards Yui and Setsuna, the two individuals responsible for her expulsion.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"...Don't feel like talking."

Jack Mallory
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Emerald Green
Main Relationships:
Jack is one of the few male teachers at Tina Koya and is widely considered to be one of the best.
It is well-known that every student under his guidance shows significant improvement within short periods.
Jack possesses an excellent understanding of maximizing efficiency, although this is often accompanied by a rude disposition and a tendency to speak without considering others' feelings. Nevertheless, his close friends insist that he's not a bad person once you get to know him better.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I'd say with just 5 minutes as any teacher, I could improve their teaching abilities by at least 200%."

Jasmine Laufey
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Bright Pink
Main Relationships:
-Theresa's Mother
Jasmine is one of the most exceptional teachers at Tina Koya.
In addition to her regular duties, she also offers private lessons to students with special needs, having volunteered for the role rather than being assigned to it.
Jasmine is one of the few teachers who holds the rare title of "Teacher Abby Doesn't Hate," which is quite uncommon among the staff.
Despite enjoying her job, Jasmine occasionally finds herself longing for something else, an inexplicable feeling she can't quite describe.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Possess someone? Wow, that sounds pretty crazy! Well, how about Theresa? I feel like some fun stuff could happen if I were her for a week or something like that."

Jayden Hopkins
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Brown
Main Relationships:
-Fabia's Son
Jayden is the newest member of the delinquents and is known for his cunning and underhanded tactics in fights. Despite his delinquent status, he is actually the son of a wealthy and prominent family in town. Despite his affluent background, Jayden doesn't care much for money or luxurious settings, as he finds the activities of the rich to be dull. Instead, he prefers the excitement and action that comes with being part of the delinquent group.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Anyone with a nice place, so I can move their stuff out and come back as myself to get a free place for me."

Jennifer Lore
-Work: Nurse
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Doesn't have one
Main Relationships:
Jennifer is a nurse at Egnaro Hospital.
Due to numerous setbacks in her life, she was unable to secure her dream job and instead became a nurse. Her frustration about this is evident in her daily work, as she puts minimal effort into her tasks and frequently complains.
Despite this, many patients seem to enjoy her presence, often describing her arrival as a "big surprise."

Jess Ori
-Work: Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Child
-Favorite Color: "The pretty ones!"
Main Relationships:
Jess is a member of the Junior Team of shrine maidens.
A typical way for the shrine to recruit new members is by adopting children who have been abandoned by their parents; both Natsumi and Jess were adopted in this manner.
Despite her small stature and quiet demeanor, Jess is the strongest member of the Junior Team.
Occasionally, she sneaks out to watch a local fighting tournament called the Junkyard Rumble. Her favorite fighter in the competition is Vanessa.

Joey Cards
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Blue
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Husbasnd
One of the most friendly teachers of the school and also one that loves talking about his life in class hor hours and hours. The students don't really mind, as that just means more time without teaching.
Joey is also the go to teacher for many students who need to talk about something personal.

John Davis
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Beige
Main Relationships:
-Sandra's Son
-Holly's Brother
John Davis is a laid-back student and a member of the John group, which, despite popular belief, was not named by him.
John typically spends most of his time at home, either sleeping or playing video games. However, he's always ready to hang out with his friends, as long as their plans don't require too much effort on his part.

Kaiyo Ken
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Young Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Powerful Red
Main Relationships:
Kaiyo is a servant at the Diolacov Manor. Her primary responsibility was to tend to Lady Cassie's mental well-being, assisting her in making decisions and intervening when necessary. However, Lady Cassie refuses Kaiyo's help, leaving Kaiyo without a specific task at the mansion. As a result, she spends her time assisting everyone in various ways.

Katrina Morgan
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Orange
Main Relationships:
-Laura's Daughter
-Scarlet's Sister
Katrina is a member of the John group and is known for being the most outgoing among John's friends. She often takes the initiative in organizing activities and encouraging everyone to go out together.
Katrina secretly has a crush on John, which her friends frequently tease her about.
Interestingly, she appears to have been close to Sayaka during their early school years, but for unknown reasons, they stopped speaking to each other.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Sayaka, I want to know what's going on inside her, why she feels so great, and why... Nevermind."

Kelly Inato (N)
-Work: Student/ Band Member/ Waitress
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Lavender (At least that's what her answer is believed to be)
Main Relationships:
-Aina's Daughter
Kelly is the lead singer of a local band that happens to be Phila's band's biggest rival. The two have a longstanding feud; they've been enemies ever since they first met. It's common to witness Phila mocking Kelly's voice and Kelly making fun of Phila's forehead.
In the local band competition, Kelly's band is slightly more popular, and Kelly herself is widely regarded as an exceptional singer with a unique voice that the entire town adores.
Despite her band's edge in popularity over Phila's, neither group has achieved significant recognition in the city overall.
In addition to her musical pursuits, Kelly works as a waitress at a particular maid café. According to her, she wants to start working early to gain experience and establish herself.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":

Kiyoshi Honda
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Pink
Main Relationships:
-Maurice's Son
Kiyoshi is a member of John's group and is widely known as the biggest pervert in all of Tina Koya.
He is often seen approaching and talking to cute girls, even when they don't reciprocate his interest. Additionally, he sometimes attempts to sneak into the girls' locker room.
Kiyoshi also has an obsession with aliens and is utterly convinced of their existence.

Kyoko Luten
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Rust
Main Relationships:
-Vein's Niece
-Abby's Daughter
Kyoko is the not so mad scientist member of John's group.
She is always developing new inventions and machines to assist her in nearly everything she does. However, most of these creations have a tendency to explode, causing significant trouble for both Kyoko and her best friend, Yui, who is usually present during these mishaps.
Despite being Abby's daughter, they are not close at all; Abby tends to avoid interacting with Kyoko, and when they do speak, Abby often makes hurtful comments. The reason behind Abby's behavior toward Kyoko remains unknown.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Ah! A question more related to magic than science! Well, I believe the most logical choice would be Alice. More data on that kind of being pretty would be incredibly useful for the experiments I have planned for Yui."

Laura Morgan
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Scarlet
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Wife
-Katrina's Mother
-Scarlet's Mother
Laura was the previous owner of the Scarlet's Café, which she named after her daughter Scarlet.
Under Laura's ownership, Scarlet's Café was highly successful and widely regarded as the best in town, all thanks to Laura's genius business strategies and her charisma. However, for some unexplained reason, Laura no longer desired to manage the café, ultimately passing on the responsibility to Scarlet. Following this transition, the café's popularity significantly declined.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Probably Scarlet, so I can get that girl to stop wasting time at the café and have her help me at home instead."

Left Turner
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Said it would take too long to pick and just rushed to class
Main Relationships:
Left joined the staff after Christine, and many believed she would encounter the same issues as Christine in not being taken seriously by the students. However, it became apparent that size was not the most significant factor, as Left quickly established her authority in the classroom.
When her class begins, all students know they must be punctual and flawless in their work, not only because Left is quick to send students to the principal's office, but also because she is incredibly strict about adhering to her schedule. To say that she is impatient would be an understatement—she expects everything to be done at the precise minute she requests. Students who take even a few extra seconds to think risk being sent to detention, and if the janitor ever forgets to ring the bell on time, she personally runs to her and shouts as loudly as she can.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
Unfortunately, the character only responded with a quick "not now" and sprinted away from us before we could hear her answer.

Lemon Ruos
-Work: Photographer?
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Lemon Green
Main Relationships:
Lemon is one of the designated paparazzi assigned to follow Madam SS, a highly popular model in town.
The rest of the camera crew is constantly tailing Madam SS throughout the day, but Lemon stands out as an exception. While he is still present quite frequently, there are numerous instances where he seems to disappear without a trace.

Leona Winters
-Hard Working
-Work: Office Worker?
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Fuchsia
Main Relationships:
Leona is a close friend of Sandra, and the two chat almost daily via phone, despite Sandra's difficulties with the device.
Recently, Leona has become more adventurous, engaging in daring and potentially dangerous activities such as bungee jumping, fighting bears, exploring old ruins alone, and climbing tall mountains. This newfound desire for adrenaline-fueled experiences stems from her realization that she has missed out on many things in life.
However, she worries that she may not have enough time or money to accomplish everything on her bucket list.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I've seen this local band called Hot Chaos or something around the city. I'd love to be that angry guitarist girl! That sounds like a blast!"

Leonardo Tnatum
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blue
Main Relationships:
Leonardo is an aspiring writer who has published numerous poems and a few short books online, which have garnered significant success.
In his pursuit of creative inspiration, Leonardo often explores various aspects of life and frequently composes new poems. However, his relentless drive and passion for writing occasionally annoy his friends.

Lily Yeoz
-Work: Student/ Band Member/ Waitress
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Lavender
Main Relationships:
Lily is a waitress at a local maid café, the drummer in Phila's band, and Phila's best friend.
The two friends were the ones who initially came up with the idea to start the band and are constantly working together to increase its popularity.
Both Lily and Phila share a love for adventure, often seeking out exciting ways to get in trouble that end up landing them in trouble with their mothers; however, this doesn't discourage them from pursuing more thrilling experiences. To provide financial support for the band, Lily works at the maid café.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Can it be a body swap with me and Phila? I wanna have her big bazoonkas! She never shares! But does the big forehead make it not worth it? Heh, heh, just kidding Phila!"

Lucy Getty
-Work: Shrine maiden/ Private teacher
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Mud
Main Relationships:
Lucy was victim of an attack of an evil spirit that left her life in a terrible condition. But even so, she still worked hard to overcome everything and become a shrine maiden.

Maria Grande
-Work: Office Worker
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Amethyst
Main Relationships:
-Hansel's Wife
-Mariana's Mother
Maria is Maria's mother. After a series of life choices, she became pregnant at a young age, initially feeling that her life was ruined. However, she eventually grew to love her daughter, and her then-boyfriend provided strong support.
Now, Maria is committed to ensuring that her daughter has a better life than she did, though she still encourages Maria to enjoy herself, which sometimes leads to Maria facing similar situations as Maria did when she was younger.
Occasionally, Maria contemplates pursuing her old dream of becoming a dancer and singer, but she doesn't have the time anymore.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"My break is almost over, so I'll answer quickly! Err, there's this girl Maria knows—Zoey! I don't know, she seems fun to become. Oh! Break's over, gotta go!"

Mariana Grande
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Pink
Main Relationships:
-Hansel's Daughter
-Maria's Daughter
-Mark's Girlfriend
Maria is part of Zoey's group but most consider her another of the "popular girls" as her popularity seems to even rival Sayaka's.
Maria is known for her expertise in relationships, and students often seek her advice when it comes to finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. This reputation stems from her past experiences with numerous boyfriends.
Aside from her romantic endeavors, Maria is also famous for her elaborate pranks. She has orchestrated some of the largest group pranks at school, earning a reputation as a prankster genius.
When questioned about her vibrant lifestyle, Maria simply responds, "Come on, I'm just having a little fun here."
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I would choose any of my best buddies from school. Possessing Zoey would be super fun, I could help Mel find a boyfriend, Riley would be wild because boy, and free girlfriend! I don't know what would happen with Emily, but hey, I'd be inside her too."

Mariane Russel
-Work: Chef
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Wine
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Wife
-Vanessa's Mother
Mariane is deeply committed to her role as a chef, often disregarding her surroundings while crafting intricate and elaborate dishes. This level of dedication occasionally bleeds into her personal life, as she appears somewhat indifferent to her daughter's activities and is on the verge of divorcing her husband.

Mariciel Sevaw (N)
-Work: Surfing Instructor
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Ocean Blue
Main Relationships:
Mariciel is a renowned surfing instructor at a beach far from Lauqe. Her teaching methods, while unconventional and most of the time accompanied by loud yelling, produce impressive results at a rapid pace.
Mariciel used to own a kiosk near the beach, but poor management eventually forced her to close it.
Although she often maintains a cheerful demeanor, there are moments when Mariciel appears, troubled, especially when she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror while alone.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Tee hee, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I LIKE THAT QUESTION! IT'S FUNNY! But err, no one... I don't want to possess anyone."

Mark Maiwuords
-Work: Student/ Waiter
-Age Range: Young Adult
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Metal
Main Relationships:
-Mariana's Boyfriend
Mark is Maria's current boyfriend, though he dislikes this label, as he believes his relationship with Maria will last forever.
According to Mark, Maria is solely his, and he is hers, and that's how it will be forever.
Mark also spends time with Maria's crew, but primarily because of his romantic involvement with Maria.

Matt Inato
-Hard Working
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
-Aina's Husbasnd
-Kelly's Father
Owner of the Memoria café.
While the owner of a very popular café, Matt is mostly known for his kindness and generosity. His favorite customer currently is a very energetic girl who screams his name every time she comes to the café. A pink haired source says she doesn't know what he sees in Aina, "maybe he's just fucking stupid".

Maurice Honda
-Hard Working
-Work: Teacher/ Photographer
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Flashing White
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Husbasnd
Maurice is one of the designated paparazzi assigned to follow Madam SS, a highly popular model in town.
According to a source with pink hair, Maurice uses his job as a photographer as an excuse to distance himself from his family, particularly his "problematic son." Furthermore, the source alleges that Maurice's wife is contemplating divorce.

Melanie Larner
-Work: Student/ Swim Team Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Navy
Main Relationships:
-Miku's Daughter
Mel is "the angry blueberry" of Zoey's crew, and the second-best member of the school's swim team.
Despite her high ranking, Mel is frustrated by her inability to outperform Flavia, the team's top swimmer. Mel's competitive nature fuels her desire to be the best swimmer in school, but her efforts to surpass Flavia have proven fruitless.
Nevertheless, Zoey and their friends appreciate Mel's friendship and acknowledge that she can be a lot of fun to be around.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I don't want to be anyone else, why would I? Well... Maybe like... Flav—NO! I didn't say anything! I don't want to be anyone! Shut up!"

Michelle Bloom
-Work: Student/ Council Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Light Green
Main Relationships:
Michelle is an active participant in the student council, constantly offering her assistance in various tasks while diligently keeping records of their activities for future reference. Despite her kind disposition, Michelle secretly harbors feelings of disapproval towards one council member, believing that their presence is unwarranted since their abilities stem from someone else's efforts.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Let's see, I guess for a week, I'd like to be the principal. That way, I could ignore certain people and not help them... Only to open the eyes of some other people though."

Miku Larner
-Work: Jornalist
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: White
Main Relationships:
-Mel's Mother
Miku is the cheerful and popular news anchor for the local news channel in Lauqe. She is well-known for her bright smile, atitude and efficient delivery of the news on TV.
The local news channel has even implemented unique segments featuring Miku, such as "I'm thinking Miku," where she answers questions from the audience, and "News 39," where she sings the shorter news in a fast-paced, musical format.
Miku is beloved throughout the town due to her job, and she has even tried to encourage her daughter to join the news team. However, her daughter is reluctant to gain public attention while she remains the second-best swimmer on her school's swim team.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Uh huh, I would be one of those internet singers—the ones that look like they're from a video game? Can I pick them? They're cute."

Miles Luke
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Azure
Main Relationships:
Luke is a servant at the Diolacov manor whose primary responsibility is to inspect all the rooms and report any items that need repair or are close to requiring it. Luke appears to have a secret crush on another servant at the manor, but his shyness prevents him from revealing his feelings.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Perhaps Mr. Thomas. That way, I could learn a few culinary tricks and maybe even impress... Ahem, just impress anyone, I suppose."

Mina Hubbard
-Cry Baby
-Work: Student/ Swim Team Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Crimson
Main Relationships:
-Phila's Sister
-Anima's Daughter
Mina is Phila's very sensitive sister. She frequently bursts into tears but can also compose herself quickly—a skill that greatly impresses her friends.
Mina adores romance stories and has read numerous romance novels multiple times. She takes pleasure in observing various couples around her school.
Mina dreams of eventually finding her true love, but her tendency to cry often scares many potential suitors away. As a result, Mina wishes she could be braver in pursuing her heart's desires.
Mina is also the least skilled member of the swim team, which doesn't seem to concern her much.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I'm not sure if I should say this, but perhaps a girl who has a charming prince as her partner. There's so much I would love to experience! It sounds incredibly romantic."

Misao Piper
-Work: Lawyer
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Married
-Favorite Color: Cobalt
Main Relationships:
-Blake's Wife
-Rita's Mother
When Rita was still a baby, Misao married Blake and wholeheartedly embraced Rita as if she were her own daughter.
Misao keeps a close watch on Rita's activities, often monitoring her more closely than necessary. That really gets on Rita's nerves which often leads to Misao and Rita trading screams with each other. They do it so much that people wonder if Misao is really not her biological mom. Interestingly, Misao and Blake's relationship began in high school when they dated for a time before circumstances led them to separate for many years.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Oh, ho! Oh my, that's quite a humorous question, but I would love to become this delinquent friend my Rita has. That way, I could finally pull her away from my girl! Oh ho, and perhaps even enjoy some youthful teenage fun!"

Mono Tone
-Work: Teacher/ Martial Artist Instructor
-Age Range: Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
Mono is only a teacher because he wants to use the knowledge of teaching teenagers to teach his students at his Dojo better. He hasn't really said how both of those connect, especially when he teaches only adults in his dojo.

Moon Namo
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
Moon is a servant at the Diolacov manor, responsible for maintaining the garden and other green spaces within the estate.
Among the servants, Cassie frequently directs her anger towards Moon, often humiliating her in front of their colleagues and taking amusement in her suffering.
Moon is the servant most often seen walking around during nighttime hours, explaining that she is merely ensuring everything is in order.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Hmph! Why are you asking that? Do you think I'm going to say Cassie? Well, what if I am? I would be so much better than her in every single way... Don't tell her I said that... Actually I need to make a phone call- What's your name again?"

Natsumi Gami
-Work: Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Child
-Favorite Color: Sparkles
Main Relationships:
Natsumi is a member of the Junior Team of shrine maidens.
The shrine often adopts children who have been abandoned by their parents, providing a new home and family; Natsumi and Jess are two such individuals.
On one occasion, Natsumi received a cookie from Sandra, prompting her to visit Sandra's house every week in hopes of getting another. Sandra is always delighted to oblige.

Nora Venera
-Work: Medical Doctor
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Green
Main Relationships:
Nora is one of the wealthiest individuals in town, widely recognized as a popular doctor among the affluent residents.
Nora's success in life has largely been achieved through imitation, from her days as a student to her current career as a doctor. She feels no shame about her methods.
After watching her rival Beatrice try her best to take Cassie down she decided to copy that and do it before her, but repeated failure made the two join forces instead, which they both hate.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Err, well, that's certainly a fascinating question that, err, deserves an equally fascinating answer... Out of curiosity, what did Beatrice say- Cassie? Oh, Cassie! Yes, that was my answer all along, even before Beatrice mentioned it. I'm sure she merely wanted to copy me."

Nozomi Pricolle
-Book Smart
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Plum
Main Relationships:
One of the council members, Nozomi, adores all things cute and even keeps a list of the cutest students at the school.
She is known as the council's cheerleader because she always ensures that everyone is happy and enjoying themselves.
While these qualities may seem positive, Nozomi is also known to become "very aggressive" if students at the top of her cuteness list are mistreated... or sometimes if people simply get too close to them.

Paul Exists
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Grape
Main Relationships:
-Caleb's Boyfriend
A pink haired source says "This dude is pretty boring, no wonder you all came to me so I can fill this description with something".

Paula Aluap
-Work: Student/ Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Young Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Yellow
Main Relationships:
Paula's amazing skills made her join the shrine maidens at a young age. Today she works hard to keep the town safe from evil spirits.

Phila Hubbard
-Work: Student/ Band Member
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Rock and Rose
Main Relationships:
-Mina's Sister
-Anima's Daughter
Phila is a member of the local Tina Koya band "Hot Chaos." Balancing her life in the band with her daily responsibilities proves challenging for Phila. She must take care of her sister, as any harm or misfortune that befalls her leads to their mother's fury towards Phila.
Additionally, Phila's mother frequently obstructs her endeavors and disapproves of her band, claiming it's not something a girl should do. She also despises Phila's friends, labeling them delinquents. Phila aspires to someday have an independent life.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Someone with good fingers to play guitar, no sister, lives alone, and... Maybe I shouldn't be saying all that, get away, I gotta go practice."

Pretty Valor
-Work: CEO
-Age Range: Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Red
Main Relationships:
-Irene's Mother
Pretty is an extremely demanding boss who maintains a strict work environment. She is quick to fire employees who fail to meet her high standards and often overworks her staff to prevent them from becoming too comfortable in their roles. Perfection is the only acceptable outcome in her eyes. No one dares to challenge Pretty, as doing so would only worsen the situation, a fact well-known to all her colleagues.
However, people are surprised when they see Pretty interacting with her daughter Irene. It's as though she transforms into a completely different person, showering Irene with kisses and praise, speaking in a sweet, high-pitched tone, and pampering her like an angel. Pretty takes immense pride in Irene's accomplishments, particularly her successful side medical career, which has enabled Irene to purchase a mansion for herself and her friend Allison.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"OUT. OF. MY. WAY. I AM WORKING!! Now out of my office so I can continue this phone call! ...HiiiIIIIIiii honey, my little squishy squishy marshmallow, how was your day?"

Rachel Clark
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Ruby
Main Relationships:
Rachel is considered one of the best teachers at Tina Koya, being both effective with her teaching and able to keep any student in check.
However, she frequently approaches Abby to resolve issues, almost always involving a particular student, Sayaka Sato. The animosity between Rachel and Sayaka began on Sayaka's first day at school, as Sayaka's disruptive behavior in class constantly clashes with Rachel's strict demeanor. Their ongoing conflict seems unlikely to end unless one of them concedes, which everyone knows is improbable.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Easy choice—I'd pick a sharp, hardworking, studious girl here, imbue her with my attitude, seize the title of most popular girl because of it, and then flaunt my newfound status in the face of certain individuals."

Ran Refsnart
-Work: Student/ Waitress
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Purple
Main Relationships:
-Axel's Girlfriend
Ran is Axel's girlfriend and thrives on keeping herself occupied; staying home all day just doesn't feel right to her.
At one point, she juggled work at three different places while attending school. However, after Axel repeatedly requested that she focus more on school and their relationship, she left her jobs.
Well, that's what Axel believes, because according to a pink-haired source, she's now working as a waitress somewhere far from Axel's home.

Raphael Ajnin
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Dark Yellow
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Boyfriend
Raphael is a pretty popular singer around his small town, he loves making many songs for his lovely girlfriend... Or any of the other three that he keeps secret.

Rebecca Chambers
-Work: Secretary
-Age Range: Yougn Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Money Green
Main Relationships:
-Carlos' Wife?
-Zoey's Mother
-Brad's Mother
Rebecca is a wild lady who wants to go in wild trips at all times, no matter if she has enough money or not.
She was once more enthusiastic about having a baby before Brad was born. However, after Brad's arrival, the responsibilities of motherhood changed her mind.
Unwilling to sacrifice her daily social outings, Rebecca initially hired a babysitter to care for Brad while she remained nearby. But when she unexpectedly became pregnant again, she started spending less time at home and left her children mostly to their own devices. Nowadays, Rebecca stays away for months, occasionally sending some money.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Put me in the body of a young, rich girl who looks kinda like me, and I'm all set! I'd just get younger. But richer! So better!"

Riley Ekans
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Cherry
Main Relationships:
-Anuja's Boyfriend
Riley is the smartest member of Zoey's crew, always happy to study every day.
He often acts as the voice of reason within the group, striving to keep them out of trouble. Unfortunately, his efforts usually prove futile as he's either persuaded or reluctantly dragged into their schemes.
Anuja, Riley's girlfriend, currently lives with him after moving out of Michelle's house. This has led a certain pink-haired source to speculate that Anuja is merely dating Riley for a free place to live, though Anuja has many times denied these claims.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I would rather not, because based on your phrasing, it seems like the person being possessed wouldn't have a say in the matter... Even if they consented, I still might not do it, sounds quite strange."

Rita Piper
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Pink
Main Relationships:
-Misao's Daughter
-Blake's Daughter
Rita is one of the popular girls in school. Known for her friendly demeanor and love of boxing, she has a reputation for being kind—until you get on her bad side.
Unlike Irene, Rita maintains order within their group by using her fists, typically resorting to hitting Sayaka whenever she does something foolish.
Rita initially joined the popular clique at Sayaka's request, because Rita got the tough girl style but also the cute girl style and that's rare, making her well-liked among peers. However, Irene insists that there's more to Rita's inclusion than meets the eye.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Hey, I wouldn't mind possessing one of the members of Hot Chaos for a day or two! Singing as Theresa, playing as Phila—it would be awesome to jam and get to know them better! That'd be awesome!"

Sadie Kobayashi
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
-Iris' Girlfriend
Sadie, one of the cheerleaders, doesn't interact much with Sayaka or her group. She also dislikes how the cheerleading squad is often perceived as "Sayaka and the cheerleaders," though she lacks the motivation to address the situation.
Interestingly, Sadie has a girlfriend who visits her almost daily, which initially seemed sweet but has become secretly tiring for Sadie.

Saiakamum Yllaerton
-Work: Fire Dancer
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Brick
Main Relationships:
They wrote her name wrong when she got accepted in the fire dancers and after many failed attempts to get it fixed she just accepted to be constantly mistaken for the mother of Madam SS's daughter.

Sandra Davis
-Work: Teacher
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Gray
Main Relationships:
-John's Mother
-Holly's Mother
Sandra is considered one of the worst teachers at Tina Koya, according to Abby.
Among students, Sandra is known as the kindest teacher; she offers extra help if someone fails to achieve a passing grade and is often lenient regarding homework deadlines.
Sandra faces criticism not only from Abby but also from other teachers, all of whom claim she needs to be more assertive—all except Connie, who consistently agrees with her approach.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"It would be perfect to become Holly! That way, I can help her make many more friends so she won't be limited to hanging out with the same group every day."

Sapphire Emerald
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Rainbow
Main Relationships:
When it comes to being expressive there's no one like Sapphire. There isn't a soul that can quite explain why, but it's like how she's feeling is always, right on her face, as if it were effects in a cartoon.
Sapphire made an attempt to join the popular girls' crew but left quickly after trying to control the entire group.
It was evident that she disliked Allison, which ultimately led to her departure. Irene became furious with Sapphire for constantly being mean to Allison and punched her in the face, much to everyone's surprise.
This event also inspired Sayaka to give Irene the nickname "Big Re."
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"That's easy! I would possess Irene, and then remove Allison from the populars, and then raise my popularity by ruining Sayaka and Rita's! Then I would go back to myself and celebrate ... What? Wouldn't that just make Irene popular and not you..? ... OH COME ON!"

Sayumi World
-Work: Student/ Waitress
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Boring Dark Gren
Main Relationships:
A waitress in a certain maid café. This girl often doesn't seem to know what's happening. If you ask her how she got this job or even what she's wearing she will always look confused, laugh and then say she had no idea of anything.

Scarlet Morgan
-Hard Working
-Work: Store Owner
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Boring Dark Gren
Main Relationships:
-Laura's Daughter
-Katrina's Sister
Scarlet is the current owner of the Sacarlet café.
When she learned from her mother that the café was going to close down, Scarlet swiftly took over to prevent its closure. However, she has struggled to restore the café's former popularity.
Undeterred, Scarlet spends most of her time at the café and even dropped out of school to focus on its success, much to her mother's worry. Despite these challenges, Scarlet is determined to make the café thrive.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Sayaka—she's popular at her school, right? I could really use that to attract more people and maybe students here... By the way, that question is going to cost you a coffee and a donut."

Seika Sato
-Work: Nurse/ Model
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Widower
-Favorite Color: Boring Dark Gren
Main Relationships:
-Sayaka's Mother
Seika is a highly popular model in town, being the cover for a very large number of magazines.
She is regarded as a local celebrity and has her own camera crew documenting her every move from every angle. Despite occasionally asking for privacy, Seika still attracts numerous fans seeking autographs. Additionally, she works as a nurse, which her daughter insists interferes with her modeling career. However, Seika genuinely enjoys helping others.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Oh, that's such a fun question! I would love to spend some time as one of my Pink Baby Girl's friends! It would be a break from the cameras and I would have extra time with her. Plus, teenager fun! Oh ho."

Setsuna ???
-Work: Student/ Shrine Maiden
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blue
Main Relationships:
Setsuna is the master shrine maiden of Tina Koya. She demonstrated exceptional talent since childhood, surpassing many adult shrine maidens and eventually being named the new master.
However, in recent years, Setsuna's performance has seemingly declined according to her peers. While still incredibly skilled and talented, she is more easily distracted and careless compared to her earlier days.
Some speculate that her current struggles may stem from missing her late grandfather and feeling lonely at school due to strange rumors circulated by a pink-haired girl, which have led other students to avoid her.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I would rather no possessing to be going around the town... but you might think I'm lame if I don't answe- I- I- I mean, the principal! That's a fun, not expected answer right? ...right?"

Sharon Trippy
-Work: Photographer
-Age Range: Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Shades of Grey
Main Relationships:
One of the "paparazzi" assigned to Madam SS, a highly popular model in town, was hired by Candela with a secret mission. According to a pink-haired source, she initially pretended to photograph Madam SS but was actually tasked with capturing pictures of Sayaka. However, as time passed, she, like many others, became captivated by Madam SS's charm and allure. In the end, she terminated her contract with Candela to join the group of photographers genuinely following Madam SS.

Shinobu Dreadful
-Work: Student/ Graveyard Watcher Assistant
-Age Range: Young Adult
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Blood Red
Main Relationships:
Most students at the school consider Shinobu the biggest "freak," with some even believing her to be an evil demon.
She has a fascination with all things dark and macabre, including death, corpses, and evil spirits.
Spending just a few minutes around her will make you feel her terrifying aura, and her creepy laughter could easily send you running away. Shinobu is rarely seen around school because she prefers to linger in empty, dark corners and often hides uncleaned corpses of dead animals, which the janitors never find because she covers them up.
A pink-haired source attempted to investigate Shinobu's life further but was too frightened to continue. She warned, "Listen, if I'm too scared to look into her life, you'd better stay away from her too."
When Shinobu was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?" the person asking the question ran away in fear after only a few seconds around her. However, he believes he heard her reply in a slow, creepy voice, "Anyone with dead parents."

Stevie Myknee crafty
-Work: Student/ Waiter
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Black
Main Relationships:
Stevie is a waiter at a restaurant in the popular PAWN shopping mall. He used to be Scarlet's boyfriend, but they broke up as she said he gave "too much attention to other girls".

Theresa Laufey
-Work: Student/ Band Member/ Waitress
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Vermilion
Main Relationships:
-Jasmine's Daughter
Theresa is the vocalist in Phila's band and also works as a waitress at a maid café.
Although some people believe that Theresa is too talented for Phila's band and should pursue a "better place," she disregards those comments. Theresa enjoys being part of the band with her friends and aims to grow together with them, ultimately becoming the best band in town. She dreams of performing in front of a large crowd, bringing joy and happiness to everyone through her singing.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"That sounds like fun! But how about one of those body swaps instead? With my mom! I could teach her how to sing, and I would give class to my friends! It would be truly fun!"

Thomas Rennid
-Hard Working
-Work: Servant
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: In A Relationship
-Favorite Color: Golden Brown
Main Relationships:
-(Someone)'s Boyfriend
Thomas is a servant at the Diolacov Manor, where he primarily works as the cook. Everyone at the mansion adores his cooking, including Cassie, which comes as a surprise.
Thomas is well-liked among the servants, and many of them confide in him when they need someone to talk to. Unlike the other servants, Cassie doesn't seem to bother Thomas as much, possibly because he could tamper with her food, though he would never actually do that.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"To improve communication within the mansion, it might help if everyone here swapped bodies, like in a movie. But, of course, something like that could never happen in real life."

Vanessa Russel
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Silver
Main Relationships:
-Mariane's Daughter
Vanessa is one of the delinquents at the school, known as the "quick devil" for her role in chasing down anyone who dares to run away from her group.
She serves as Tori's right-hand woman, playing a significant role in managing various aspects of the Junkyard Rumble.
Despite her delinquent reputation, Vanessa occasionally displays signs of regret over her life choices. A pink-haired source even claims to have seen her studying once.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"...Don't know, don't care. Dumb question... Uh, maybe like... Ire—Hey! I already gave you an answer, now leave!"

Vein Luten
-Work: Office Worker/ Streamer
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Wine
Main Relationships:
-Abby's Sister
-Kyoko's Aunt
Currently working as an office employee, she has considered quitting her job to concentrate on her successful online gaming streams.
Vein and Abby, along with her daughter, used to be very close; Vein would frequently visit them at their home. However, when Abby began experiencing a series of unfortunate events, the relationship between the sisters soured, and Abby told Vein never to visit again.
Despite the harsh words exchanged, Vein still longs for the day when she can reconcile with her sister.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Dude, that would make a sick stream, I stream with my niece but we switch bodies, can you imagine how crazy my chat would be?"

Victoria Vega
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Red
Main Relationships:
Tori is the notorious leader of the delinquents in school. She and her group are the most intimidating students on campus, and crossing paths with them is ill-advised.
Tori is also the mastermind behind the popular fighting event in town called Junkyard Rumble, where she reigns as the undefeated champion. Even a pink-haired source confirms that they've never seen Tori lose a fight.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"I don't wanna waste time training a whole new body from scratch... Well, if it's someone like that Lady Cassie, it would be worth it for all that money."

Yrammus Dar
-Work: Café Owner
-Age Range: Wizard Age
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Believes saying Blue will lead us to a good timeline
Main Relationships:
Dar is one of the four major wizards at the Cipe Academy of Magic and Alchemy. Known for his helpful nature, he is well-liked among his peers.
Following an accident involving D.T.'s experiments, Dar acquired strange abilities and an enigmatic wealth of knowledge. Now, he uses what he has learned to assist people in as many ways as he can.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Ah, it's already time for that question? That means I must move the rock near Mel's house by 3cm... I'm sorry, but I don't have time to answer. Don't you agree?"

Yui Yamashita
-Book Smart
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Purple
Main Relationships:
-Yuuna's Daughter
Yui is the diligent president of the student council, treating her position like an actual job and never slacking off.
Although most students acknowledge her dedication, they also recognize that Yui tends to overdo her patrolling duties. She often brings students to the principal for minor infractions; she once even attempted to escort a student who sneezed in class to the principal's office.
Yui greatly admires Abby, considering her actions to be flawless, and she strives to emulate Abby's behavior in her daily life.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Hold on, I would need to know if possession is against the school rules. I should ask the principal. But if she says it's allowed, then maybe Kyoko! I can't imagine what it would be like to spend even a day as the principal's daughter."

Yuuna Yamashita
-Work: Officer Worker
-Age Range: Young Senior
-Status: Divorced
-Favorite Color: Royal Purple
Main Relationships:
-Yui's Mother
Yuuna leads a peaceful life, juggling her job and caring for her daughter at home. She makes a considerable effort to bring joy into Yui's life, constantly searching for exciting places to visit or enjoyable activities to share.
Despite her efforts, Yuuna is slightly concerned that Yui's primary focus on her council position and studies might prevent her from having fun. Although Yuuna supports Yui's interests, she often reminisces about her own youth and how she didn't concentrate as hard on her studies since it could sometimes become dull.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Oh my, well, if it's just for pretend play, I would love to be Yui. Watching her go to school every day while I stay home, preparing for work... Sometimes, you get a little jealous, you know? Oh ho, please remember it's just for pretend play."

Zoey Chambers
-Work: Student
-Age Range: Teen
-Status: Single
-Favorite Color: Too many favorites, can't pick one
Main Relationships:
-Rebecca's Daughter
-Carlos' Daughter
-Brad's Sister
Zoey is a highly energetic girl who occasionally participates in the school's soccer team.
People often marvel at her seemingly endless energy, as she can run around for hours without showing any signs of fatigue.
However, Zoey's impulsive nature often lands her in trouble, which is usually unintentional. This has caused her to lose credibility with the school council and the principal, making her an easy target for bullies.
Zoey struggles with "being responsible", something that frustrates her. She can't cook, has difficulty studying, and these limitations, among others, lead to a lack of respect from most people at school. Zoey aspires to become more responsible one day, though she doesn't really know how.
This character was asked, "If you had the power to possess someone, who would it be?":
"Possess, like in the movies? Whoa! I don't know! There's so many cool people I want to be! Maybe one of the teachers! Or a fancy, rich lady! Or just Sayaka- I can't choose!"

zufebfeybefiblwvcwohn {Name Error} >>> {Restarting} >>> Name: ???
WHAT!? I SAY WHAT! HEAR ME NOW! Is this truly a question you ask someone like me? Ridiculous! Shameful! I say I am already perfect—you hear? Perfect! YOU BEST HAVE HEARD ME NOW!!