Well as I said last Saturday Report, the favorite endings poll is over and the results are very interesting. I might have said it before but, just knowing you guys like something I do is amazing, so knowing more about is great too.
The two endings with the most votes were "All for One" and "Take over", that and a few other votes tell me a bunch of the ELPS fans have an evil side to their heart, which is compeltely fine here! Did you see the warning at the start of the scenario? This is can be dark scenario, so I'm glad you´re enjoying that stuff because I enjoy making it.
An ending that got a bunch of votes was "Elementary my dear Rita" which surprises me and really makes me happy. While I made that path I just had in my mind that I was doing it because it was funny and most people wouldn't like much since it's so different and weird... But knowing that a bunch of people liked it is awesome!
It's interesting to see the routes for the family route getting a good amount of votes... I hope when I eventually rewrite the thing I'll still make something you like.
Overall this was really fun, thanks for voting and thanks for being awesome!
The cube will go put his working hat back on and get this scenario updated... someday...
Welp, see you next Saturday!
