Why hello there, what a coincidence that I found you here this Saturday.
All right! So I've been making good progress these days in Somewhere Land! Everything has been going pretty great, I've written the little fun setup, then the entrance in Somewhere Land and its first day! So far everything is going amazing! Making a story in a whole other dimension can be weird but the interactions are really funny.
I'm hoping to keep good speed while writing the rest of it, which I think I can do it but you never know.
I am making plans to do a sort of interactive flowchart, which is pretty much an interactive slideshow but cooler! With the flowchart like this we can avoid the giant image that it is right now, and that's good. Also it just looks cool in general.
So, if you look at the teaser flowchart you'll see that I changed the plans once again, now I want you to know that when I do this what I'm mostly changing is the way the story is "shaped", not really what happens on it. I still mostly go with what I plan first.
The favorite endings poll ended some time ago, soon i'll make a post here in the website about the results, which were all surprising.
Also as you may be seeing in the screenshots down there... I may be cooking something while doing this update... It's small but there's some stuff being cooked!(Not by Zoey or it would be on fire)
Anyways that was all I wanted to report, I'll see you next Saturday!
What am I doing?:
Writing the "Somewhere Land" branch of Jealousy
How much is done?:
Progress of the update:
Rough writing:
7hrs 42minutes
0hrs 0minutes
Music and Sound:
0hrs 0minutes
Planned hours: Around 13 hours
Planned release date: It won't be more than 2 months, hopefully
