Hello there, a very late happy new year to you! Welcome to the first Saturday of this year.
With this new Saturday I have some good news! I'm finally done with the "Attached to ya" Branch! It's all pretty much done, which means I'm gonna start working on "Somewhere Land"!
Like I said last time, this branch is not as complex as "Attached to ya", so in theory it should take less time to get it done. I'm hoping to get it done this month and I'll do my best for that to happen, but you should be ready for anything.
Right now we got a good chunk of some more Connie as Zoey stuff, which in this branch there will be lots of! So if that's what you were missing from Jealousy before, you will get it now.
Also you'll get tons of other dimension hijinks, with the crew from the previous "Somewhere Land" branch and some more romance stuff for Zoey. This is the romance/romantic updated after all!
Anyway I'll be working hard in "Somewhere Land", hope you can wait some more... But look, the screenshot is not from "Attached to ya", that's something new to look at!
Well that's all for this Saturday, hope you have a great year and I see you the next Saturday.
What am I doing?:
Animating and adding music and sound to the "Somewhere Land" branch
How much is done?:
Progress of the update:
Rough writing:
Around 12hrs (Final time but now for v7)
7hrs 0minutes
Music and Sound:
7hrs 0minutes
Planned hours: Around 12 hours (Final time but now for v7)
Planned release date: This month hopefully
